Between classes in other schools

A more advanced level of collaborating between schools is enabled by Office 365. It is aided by classes where students have 1:1 device access. This is an example currently being employed in 2019 with VCE Year 11 and 12 students studying History Revolutions using PowerPoint online. I am waiting for the other two schools to act – watch this space!

I have an experienced and enthusiastic teacher who is currently teaching Russia, which I teach in the second half of the year who wants to be involved.

Creating websites with Year 5 using Sway.

A brief verbal explanation and the students were ready to go!

The restrictions on this task were enormous: I visited the class for 50 minutes per week on Friday mornings. Many things were commenced and then by the time we met again a new topic was being introduced. Most students, however, were able to produce something useful in the first lesson. I can’t share the links with you because they all did what was requested and only shared with people within our organisation.

Many images were evaluated and then chosen as the starting item.

This student, who sometimes produced very little content, found and labelled a variety of “gold” images, including the hamburger at right!
Some of the girls loved changing the background from the gallery.
And all the images had relevance.